Official Logo – European Championship 2017
The Bollate Softball Facebook followers has given their vote and has decided the official logo for the Women’s Softball European Championship 2017: Davide Lazzarini Logo’s wins the contest with 556 likes!
The Bollate Softball Facebook followers has given their vote and has decided the official logo for the Women’s Softball European Championship 2017: Davide Lazzarini Logo’s wins the contest with 556 likes!
Gli studenti del ITCS Erasmo Da Rotterdam Bollate coordinati dalle proff. Simona Saltarelli e Lucia Palma hanno dato un prezioso contributo realizzando lo scorso anno scolastico numerose proposte per il logo dell’evento: tra tutte le proposte ne sono state selezionate 5; ora TOCCA A VOI, amici e follower del Bollate Softball: andate sulla nostra pagina…